The Nominating Committee of Realize invites nominations for the Board of Directors, to be received by Realize no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT on Monday August 24, 2020.
The Realize Nominating Committee invites nominations for individuals who are full voting members of Realize and have knowledge, skills, expertise and experience in one or more of the following areas:
- HIV and rehabilitation health care, especially medical expertise / experience with marginalized populations
- Fluency in French & English
- Member of an Indigenous, First Nations, Inuit or Métis community
- Life experience with HIV or other episodic disability
- Representation from Quebec and/or Western Canada
1. Term of Office
The term of office for Board members is two years, with the option to renew their term for up to three additional terms. Attempts are made to stagger the terms of Board members in order to promote continuity in leadership and governance. The Board has nine members. There are 5 vacancies to be filled for 2020 – 2022.
2. Mandate of Realize Board
The primary mandate of the Board of Directors is the overall governance of Realize, including overseeing financial and program directions that are managed by the Executive Director. The membership entrusts this governance role to the Board of Directors. The role of the general membership in Realize’s multi-sector model is to provide expertise and guidance to overall planning and direction setting for the organization. The Board is elected by, and accountable to, the membership and makes decisions based on the overall parameters and directions set by the membership. The Board’s role is to represent the interests of the membership and the entire organization in order to ensure Realize’s overall accountability, effectiveness and sustainability. Examples of Board decision making authority include: setting organizational policy; budget approval, special expenditures or other financial decisions as needed / required; specific research decisions within parameters and priorities set by the membership; supervision of the Executive Director.
2. Composition of the Board
The Board has nine members including two co-chairs, at least one of whom is a person living with HIV, and strives to include a balance of diverse sector/ stakeholder groups.The Realize Board composition will reflect:
- Commitment to Realize’s organizational values as stated in the Realize membership application and on Realize’s web site at https://www.realizecanada.orgour-story/vision-and-mission/
- Demonstrated leadership and necessary skills and expertise, including a willingness to be considered for senior leadership roles
- Nation-wide representation, gender and age balance, bilingualism, presence of people living with HIV, diversity
- The experience, skills, expertise and perspectives that enable progress towards the Realize vision and the evolving direction
- A letter (maximum 350 words) from the individual who is submitting the nomination, detailing his/her reasons for the nomination and describing the potential contributions of the nominee to the Board.
- A Realize Board Nominations Form ( Realize Board of Directors Nomination Form ) completed by the nominee and endorsed by two other full voting members of Realize.
- A current CV of the nominee