Join us for a first-ever online disability expert conference: “What Should Canada’s Promised National Accessibility Law Include?” convened by the Alliance for an Inclusive and Accessible Canada.
The conference will be chaired by David Lepofsky, who is a renowned lawyer, disability rights advocate/community organizer, and will be attended by Canada’s first Minister Responsible for People with Disabilities, the Honorable Carla Qualtrough, as well as an amazing array of experts speaking to us from Canada, the U.S. Israel and Switzerland.
The conference will be live streamed from OCAD University on August 22, 2017 from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm EDT:
Questions for panel members can be submitted ahead of time by emailing
Join us in a critical conversation about what Canada’s new accessibility law should include. Hear from experts from around the world how we can make Canada accessible!
**ASL and CART services will be provided on the live stream**