Are you a person with an episodic disability? Or do you support people with episodic disabilities?
The Episodic Disabilities Employment Network (EDEN) website ( ) represents a unique resource on the web. It provides a place for people living with episodic disabilities to connect with others to discuss overcoming employment challenges. EDEN features numerous resources intended to help address employment issues including videos, articles, fact sheets, Ask HR questions and answers, discussion forums and more. The Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation wants to continue to improve and update EDEN and we need your help. We are currently conducting a survey about EDEN in both English and French:
EDEN Survey English:
EDEN Survey French:
The survey is very short and all information provided is anonymous and confidential. Your ideas will help us to identify how we can continue to improve and update the EDEN website so that it continues to support people with episodic disabilities in addressing barriers to employment. The survey will remain open until January 5th, 2015.
Should you have any questions about this survey, please contact Wendy Porch, Disability Specialist and Education Coordinator at or by telephone at 416-513-0440 x222
Thanks in advance for your time!