November 6 – December 1, 2017 (4 weeks)
Please Note: This course offering is full. To be added to the waiting list for the next offering (dates TBD), please complete the form below.
Both triumphs and tribulations have contributed to a steady increase in the number of older adults living with HIV in Canada. HIV medications have improved so much over the last 20 years that people living with HIV and few other risk factors can now expect to live almost as long as their HIV-negative peers. However, HIV cases among people age 50 and older represent an increasing proportion of all new diagnoses — 22% in 2014 (PHAC, 2015) – a trend largely perpetuated by ageism.
It is critical that organizations serving older adults are equipped to welcome people aging with HIV who may experience a greater burden of disease than their HIV-negative peers and thus may require more rehabilitative services and supports, sometimes at earlier ages (Kendall et al., 2014; Justice & Falutz, 2014). According to the 50 Plus project which surveyed more than 400 people over 50 years old living with HIV, 76% of respondents anticipated difficulties with self-care, 70% with healthcare access, and 66% with stigma/discrimination as they grew older with HIV (Power, Bell & Freemantle, 2010a).
Course Objectives:
This workshop will provide information and strategies to help health and social service providers:
- Understand and respond confidently to the health and social needs of clients aging with HIV
- Identify and connect older adults living with or vulnerable to HIV to relevant services
- Challenge myths and misconceptions about aging, HIV and sexuality
Course Format:
All course activities can be done online at your convenience, with the exception of the interactive webinar/group discussion in Week 4 which is mandatory. You will be prompted to indicate the date/time you wish to attend this interactive session when you register for the course.
Time Commitment:
The course will run over a four-week period. Required activities should take no longer than 2 hours each week.
What you will need to participate:
- Access to a computer or tablet
- High speed internet connection
- Computer speakers or headphones so you can hear the webinars/videos
Curriculum at a Glance:
Week 1
Understanding HIV and Applying an Aging Lens
Week 2
Social Determinants of Health and their Impact on Older Adults Living with or Vulnerable to HIV
Week 3
Physical, Mental and Cognitive Complexities of Aging with HIV
Week 4
Applying HIV and Older Adults Course Learning in your Work
**More detail on the weekly topics and required activities can be found in the course syllabus.
Course Facilitator:
Kate Murzin, MPH, Health Programs Specialist, Realize
Telephone: 416-513-0440 ext 244
Click here to view the full course syllabus. HIV and Older Adults Course Syllabus