2024 Theme: Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.
According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability, 1 in 6 of us, in other words. Some people with disabilities die up to 20 years earlier than those without. Persons with disabilities have two times the risk of developing conditions like depression, asthma, diabetes, stroke, obesity, or general poor health. Stigma, discrimination, exclusion from education and employment create health inequities, plus persons with disabilities often face barriers within the health system itself.
Another reason people with disabilities develop additional health conditions is poverty. 1.6 million people with disabilities in Canada live in poverty. This year, in partnership with key allies in the national disability and anti-poverty movements, Realizeis promoting meaningful campaign, focused on increasing the Canadian Disability Benefit (CDB.)
Starting in July of next year, low-income individuals will be able to apply for the CDB – a monthly benefit of up-to $200. While this is intended as financial relief for people with disabilities living in poverty, think for a moment how very quickly $6.66 per day leaves one’s wallet. How can such a paltry sum help anyone?
As the video explains, on June 23, 2023, every member of parliament voted to pass Bill C-22, The Canada Disability Benefit, designed to lift people with disabilities out of poverty. But $6.66 a day is meaningless, and this cannot be what MPs had in mind when they passed Bill C-22 unanimously.
To ensure the CDB does what it was intended to do, contact your MP today.
Realize and Episodic Disabilities
Sustainable livelihoods for people living with disabilities is a major priority at Realize. As a guest on episode one of The Realize Podcast, who lives with episodic disabilities and applies for 2-3 jobs a day said:
Our annual National Summit Episodic Disabilities and Employment has become a leading forum for employers and employees living with episodic disabilities to explore the latest thinking on episodic disabilities in the workplace. We’re pleased to announce that registration for the 2025 Summit in March is now open!
March 19 and 20, 2025, 12:00 pm – 3:30 pm ET both days.
This year’s theme is Disclosure in Dialogue. The Summit aims to catalyze workplace change through best sharing practices and highlighting important research.
The Summit is a free, online opportunity for Human Resources professionals to create links between valuable research and actionable workplace solutions, with a focus on disclosure and advancing employment inclusion for those individuals living with episodic disabilities.
We hope you’ll join us. What you learn could support the creation of a more inclusive and accessible work environment for people living with episodic disabilities.