Members of realize (formerly CWGHR) are individuals and organizations that have an interest in HIV, disability and rehabilitation. These include:
- Organizations: community-based HIV/AIDS, disability and rehabilitation organizations; national professional associations; unions; government agencies; and private sector companies.
- Individuals: people living with HIV; health care, social care and human resources professionals; and other people who are interested in HIV and rehabilitation.
Organizational Members (Present and Past)
- AIDS Coalition of Cape Breton
- AIDS Committee of North Bay & Area
- AIDS Committee of Toronto
- AIDS PEI Community Support Group Inc.
- Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention
- Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care
- Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
- Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Canadian Council of Human Resource Associations
- The Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network (CHABAC)
- Canadian Physiotherapy Association
- COCQ-Sida
- College of Family Physicians of Canada
- Dr. Peter Centre
- Handicap International
- International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation
- Living Positive Resource Centre, Okanagon
- Mood Disorders Society of Canada
- National Network for Mental Health
- Nine Circles Community Health Centre
- Positive Living North: No khēyoh t’sih’en t’sehena Society
- Positive Living Society of British Columbia
- Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network on Social and Behavioural Issues in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS (AIRN)
- AIDS Community Care Montreal
- Bruce House
- Providence Health Care
Organizational Associates
- AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
- AIDS Committee of Ottawa
- Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
- Canadian AIDS Society
- Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange
- Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance
- Canadian Association for HIV Research
- Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
- Canadian Treatment Action Council
- Casey House
- David Kelley Services – Family Service Toronto
- Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
- Federal / Provincial / Territorial Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS
- Human Resources and Social Development Canada / Canada Pension Plan – Disability
- People Living with HIV/AIDS NSW Inc. (Australia)
- Public Health Agency of Canada / HIV/AIDS Division
- The Teresa Group