Leading Together: Canada Takes Action on HIV/AIDS (2013) Leading Together Championing Committee (2013, external link)
E-Hospice: Palliative Care news, views and inspiration from around the world (2013, external link)
Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), Active, Aging and HIV+ (One Foot Forward Series, Module 10, 2013, external link)
BBC News UK, Study shows life expectancy of people with HIV rising, Follow up interview with an older woman living with HIV (video, September 11, 2013, external link)
Dr Steven Deeks, The End of AIDS: HIV as a Chronic Disease (video, 7th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, external link) * Please select video 6/7.
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), Center on HIV & Aging (website, external link)
Terrence Higgins Trust (UK), 50 plus (website, external link)
The Body.com: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource, Aging & HIV/AIDS (website, external link)
National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP) www.natap.org (website, external link)
Canadian AIDS Society, HIV and aging in Canada (factsheets, undated, external link)
DA Wohl. Aging with HIV: Where do we stand after CROI 2013? National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP). Published online May 2013. (Meeting document, 2013, external link)
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), Older and Wiser: Many Faces of HIV (brochure/pamphlet & DVD, 2012, external link)
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), HIV in Older Adults: Engaged (brochure/pamphlet & DVD, 2012, external link)
Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB, Safer Sex over 50 (brochure/pamphlet, 2012, PDF, 188 KB, external link)
Lisa Power & colleagues (Terrence Higgins Trust (UK), mbarc), Lost Generations? Significantly differing characteristics of recently diagnosed older adults with HIV compared to long-term diagnosed (presentation, 19th International AIDS Conference, 2012, PDF, 1.7 MB, external link)
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), Let’s Face It: Older Adults Speak About HIV (brochure/pamphlet, 2012, external link)
Terrence Higgins Trust (UK), 50+ & HIV+ (booklet, 2011, external link)
Public Health Agency of Canada, HIV/AIDS Among Older Canadians – Chapter 6: HIV/AIDS Epi Updates (factsheet, 2010, external link)
Terrence Higgins Trust (UK) (Lisa Power, Michael Bell, Iriann Freemantle), A national study of ageing and HIV (50 plus) (report, 2010, external link)
Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE), HIV and aging (brochure, 2010, PDF, 461 KB, external link)
AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), Research on Older Adults with HIV (ROAH Report) (report, 2006, external link)