Realize is bringing a strong message on HIV and Aging (#AIDSageism) to this year’s International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. Most of our presentations (though not all) will be focused on the concerns of older adults living with HIV and the importance of having their voices be heard in the ongoing fight against AIDS.
Realize at AIDS 2018
Tuesday July 24 | 11 00h – 12 30h
The Gray Zone: Ageism as a Human Rights Issue in the Global Response to HIV
Human Rights and HIV/AIDS Networking Zone Global Village, Booth 520 |
13 15h – 14 15h
Medications Add Years to Life, Rehabilitation Adds Life to Years!
Disability Networking Zone Global Village, Booth 510 |
15 00h – 16 00h
Stay savvy, stay sexy: Discussing sex-positive education tools for older adults (The SHAPES Project) Positive Action PLHIV Networking Zone Global Village, Booth 501 |
Wednesday July 25 | 10 30h – 11 30h
Canadian Responses to HIV and Aging
Canada Pavilion Exhibition Hall, 107 |
11 45h – 12 45h
Finessed: Fostering Inclusion for Students with Episodic Disabilities in Canada Disability Networking Zone Global Village, Booth 510 |
12 00h – 13 30h
Aging Well with HIV: What can you do as PLHIV?
Amsterdam Theatre |
Thursday July 26 | 13 00h – 14 30h
Positive Health: Towards Empowering Older Persons Living with HIV Networking Zone Global Village, Booth 504 |
Realize has compiled a list of HIV and Aging related sessions and content at the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam (July 23-27, 2018) to make it easier to access this important information. Ageing at AIDS 2018 – PDF
The Gray Zone: Ageism as a Human Rights Issue in the Global Response to HIV
(Realize, International Federation on Ageing, UTOPIA_BXL, CRN+, Tonga Leitis, India HIV/AIDS Alliance)
Older adults living with or vulnerable to HIV reside in ‘gray zone’ where the shadows cast by ageism and HIV-stigma intersect obscuring access to the HIV, health and social services available to younger people and seronegative seniors. Panelists from four global regions explore how present-day HIV responses compromise the right to health of older people and potential strategies to promote social justice for this population.
Medications Add Years to Life, Rehabilitation Adds Life to Years!
(Realize and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
For many people living with HIV, periods of good health are interrupted by periods of illness or disability. Rehabilitation can make a difference. We’ll showcase ways in which rehab programs are being integrated into the continuum of care for people living with HIV in the UK and in Canada.
Stay savvy, stay sexy: Discussing sex-positive education tools for older adults – The SHAPES Project – (Realize)
The SHAPES project (Canada) will produce four facilitated learning modules which address different facets of the sexual health of people age 50+, including aging-associated physical, social and emotional changes, while also providing information on reducing the risks associated with the sexual transmission of HIV and other STBBIs. There are too few resources available to this population and too many misconceptions about older adults being asexual! The SHAPES curriculum will be informed by focus groups conducted with diverse older adults – we will be conducting one of these focus groups at AIDS 2018 in the GNP+ networking zone.
Canadian Responses to HIV and Aging (Realize)
In this one-hour workshop, Realize staff and fellow members of the National Coordinating Committee on HIV and Aging (NCC), including older adults living with HIV from Canada, will walk Global Village visitors through some of our newest resources and describe our ongoing, collaborative work on HIV and aging.
Finessed: Fostering Inclusion for Students with Episodic Disabilities in Canada (Realize)
In 2015, Realize began to examine experiences of students living with episodic disabilities. While policies and laws have been designed to promote equitable access to education for students with disabilities, many address only the needs of students with permanent disabilities. We’ll share findings and recommendations.
Aging Well with HIV: What can you do as PLHIV?
(UTOPIA_BXL, Realize, European AIDS Treatment Group, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, HIV Vereniging, Section Long Term Survivor)
This workshop on HIV, aging and long-term survivorship will feature presentations and facilitated discussion on life with HIV and maintaining long-term POSITIVE HEALTH, including the importance of self-care and self-management. It is also an opportunity for networking to build bridges among individuals living longest with HIV, patient advocates and organizations, research centres and healthcare professionals.
Positive Health – Towards Empowering Older Persons Living with HIV
(UTOPIA_BXL, Realize, Let’s Kick ASS – AIDS Survivor Syndrome, European AIDS Treatment Group, ACRIA Center for HIV and Aging at GMHC, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, HIV Vereniging, Section Long Term Survivors)
This session will explore the challenges and unmet needs of older persons living with HIV, addressing topics including: the HIV_POSITIVE HEALTH project, empowerment, quality of life, physical activity, and applying a chronic disease management lens to change policy and practice.