The E-Module: An HIV & Rehab Resource is now available in an interactive, online format in both official languages!
The free E-Module is Realize’s most highly accessed resource, and it has been downloaded over 100,000 times. First published in 2011 as a 200+ page downloadable PDF, the E-Module was developed for rehabilitation providers, people living with HIV and others interested in the important role of rehabilitation for quality of life and function. The original E-Module was updated regularly, and with recent funding from Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and Employment and Social Development Canada, it was updated and transformed into a bilingual, online tool, which can be accessed using most types of devices. The E-Module format meets current best practices for accessibility.
The aim of this e-module is to enhance knowledge about HIV care among rehabilitation professionals so they may better address the needs of people living with HIV. Notable characteristics of the e-module include the comprehensive review and incorporation of current best evidence on HIV and rehabilitation and the interdisciplinary approach to its development.
This interactive tool is divided into an introduction and history of the E-Module, followed by six sections.
Section One describes the role of rehabilitation in the context of HIV.
Section Two briefly reviews current knowledge regarding HIV infection and its treatments.
Section Three provides an overview of the rehabilitation interventions that can help people living with HIV, across the disease course.
Section Four describes some of the unique needs of specific populations. This section also addresses the importance of using an intersectional lens and life course perspective when planning rehabilitation strategies with people living with HIV.
Section Five reviews concepts and tools for measuring rehabilitation outcomes in HIV.
Section Six includes several detailed case studies for E-Module users to apply their new knowledge.