An online course for post-secondary academic staff
This course will provide you with knowledge and strategies to help make your teaching more accessible and inclusive to students living with episodic disabilities. In addition, tips provided throughout this course may help reduce your workload in the long run.
This course is the result of several years of work to explore the impacts of episodic disabilities on students in the post-secondary education sector, adapted more recently to address the realities of a COVID-19 endemic context. The course was developed with the input of academic staff, disability and equity offices staff, administrative staff, and students from all levels and program types. Additional collaborators include researchers, policymakers, clinicians, non-profit organizations, diversity and inclusion experts, and people with lived experience of episodic disabilities.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify the unique features of episodic disabilities and recognize their potential impacts on post-secondary students
- Identify accessibility barriers in post-secondary education faced by persons living with episodic disabilities
- Understand accessibility standards and accessibility compliance requirements as related to your role and the role of your institution
- Identify ways to implement accommodations for students with episodic disabilities
- Identify strategies to improve accessibility in your teaching practice or institution.
- Identify solutions to make learning more accessible for students with episodic disabilities during widespread health crises
- Understand other ways you can help support students with episodic disabilities beyond the learning environment
Once registered, you will have access to the course material for 10 weeks.
Prices: $265 non-members, $240 Realize members*
* Members must have a current paid membership with Realize. (Find out more about Realize membership.)
Group discounts for multiple registrants (associations, workplaces, etc.) are available:
2-5 people (10% discount), 6-10 people (15% discount), 10+ people (20% discount).
To arrange a group registration, please contact
To find out more about Supporting Post-Secondary Students With Episodic Disabilities contact us at