Rehabilitation can make a difference – by helping people living with HIV and other episodic disabilities to remain healthy; participate in the workforce or other activities; and be actively involved in their communities. From decreasing pain to making shopping easier, rehabilitation has a role to play.
Rehabilitation Resources
Optimal Health and Wellbeing for People Living with HIV: The Role of Health Systems
In July 2021 Jeffery Lazarus et al. published the Consensus statement on the role of health systems in advancing
the long-term well-being of people living with HIV (“the statement”) in the journal Nature. The development of this
global statement involved participation from HIV experts from around the world, including two representatives from Canada. The statement culminated in six ‘key next steps’ to be taken by health systems to advance the long-term wellbeing of people living with HIV.
Realize, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences Canada Inc., and the National Community Advisory Group on
Optimal Health and Wellbeing (NCAG)*, coordinated six deliberative dialogues to determine whether the global
statement resonated with people living with HIV in Canada, and whether there are any modifications that should be made to ensure the ‘key next steps’ are relevant in the Canadian context.
This Report (Consensus Statement companion document) is the culmination of the deliberative dialogue process.
Optimal Health and Wellbeing in HIV: Opinion Paper
Optimal Heath & Wellbeing in HIV Steering Committee; 2021
Optimal Health and Wellbeing in HIV: From Prolonging Life to Quality of Life
An Opinion Paper from the Optimal Heath & Wellbeing in HIV Steering Committee
Living Your Best Life with HIV: Project Report
Realize, 2021, Project report, pdf