Are you a workplace leader? Do you have lived experience with Episodic Disability* or know other leaders who do? We’d like to talk to you!
As part of the Workplaces REVAMPED (REcognizing the VAlue of eMPloyees with Episodic Disabilities) project, Realize is engaging with leaders across sectors to invite them to participate in key informant interviews.
The goals of REVAMPED include:
· Increased awareness of episodic disabilities among employers; and the challenges related to work and living with episodic disabilities
· Increased capacity of employers to respond effectively to the challenges facing people living with episodic disabilities
What would this involve?
· The interview would take approximately 60 minutes; On Zoom, MS teams or telephone
· All answers are strictly confidential and anonymized.
*Episodic disabilities can include: Arthritis; Asthma; Mental Illness; Diabetes; Chronic pain; Muscular dystrophy; Epilepsy; Fibromyalgia; Hepatitis C; Crohn’s Disease; Migraines; Multiple sclerosis; chronic fatigue syndrome; HIV
If you would like to participate in an interview, please click the email link below to send a prepared message to Elizabeth Racz, National Research & Program Officer: